day 1: cycle journey to Olympic Pennisula. July19 -21
it was a car show weekend in victoria, and i decided to hop on the Coho ferry and sail away to America with my bicycle.
The US customs guardian of passing wore a big TURNER badge. I felt at ease, and refreshed with the journey beggining with synchronicities. Ever since reading those Celestine Prophesy books at a young age, and thru my Fathers adventurous and brave spirit, n stories of his travels to South America in the 70s ,Ive always had the open heartedness n trust while on the road. sharing the same last name with the man in a uniform, gave me a signal , that my dad my ancestors had my back. and what more protection would i need?
so with wings n a shield on my back, away i went! crossing over to the Olympic Penisula, with its snow covered high coastal mountain range, that remimded me of the Sierra Nevada de SantaMarta in Colombia!
Riding along the Coastal bluffs and thr Olympic Discovery Trail towards the Lavender farms of Sequim....i found a relaxing purple paradise....n an open road...