2020 summer programs :
West Saanich ~ The Yurt ~ Thriving Roots ~Little Leaves Summer camps
Elemental Collective , Sooke , BC....more coming soon.
Sax Point Music and Dance in the Park
Elemental Collective , Sooke , BC....more coming soon.
Sax Point Music and Dance in the Park
2019 programs:
new this year in mount Doug/PKLOS park.
For more information: www.victorianatureschool.com
For more information: www.victorianatureschool.com
And :
https://www.thrivingroots.org/programs/wild-montessori/ new Montessori offering !
2016 Programs:
Imagine Nation Journeys ~ July11-14 th , Pender Island BC ages 3-5
Little Goddess ~July 5-8 th, Pender Island
Little Goddess ~ August 15-19, Vic West Community Center
Childrens Programs : ages 3-5
Year One ~ Imagine Nation Journeys
Year Two ~Imagine Nation Journeys
Spring & Summer Goddess Camps
Imagine Nation Journeys Nature Yoga~
stay tuned for kids yoga classes offering in the Saanich Peninsula , Victoria and Salt Spring Island, BC
Kids Yoga ~ Certified thru Rainbow Kids Yoga ~ an amazing experience
check out http://rainbowkidsyoga.net/ for more info ~
check out http://rainbowkidsyoga.net/ for more info ~
- Yoga is FUN for all age groups!
- Over 350 Yoga poses for kids
- About a million creative Yoga games
- Breathing and Meditation exercises and games suitable for kids
- Guided Imagery and other Relaxation techniques
- Partner Acrobatics, Human Pyramids, Flying Yoga and other ways to make Yoga super COOL!
- Partner and Community interactive Yoga for Kids & Teens
- Thai Massage and other ways to connect, give and receive
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