Power of the women who stand behind fairy creekAbove photo by Duncan Morrison 💗 such an impactful weekend, at Caycuse camp, RiverCampHq and then on to Waterfall...
It was my first time visiting Waterfall camp and there was such a powerful strength ! A lot of support from the indigenous youth from all over Vancouver Island♥️ musicians, & all sorts of people from different walks of life.  I drove up there with another Bridget goddess archetype(Seiara;) and a few other powerful women... that day, I witnessed the women take the front lines, 2 at the front where the 17 cop cars showed up - Guiding Star & Poncho were eventually arrested and taken away , while playing the drums and singing... A few cops came to the top to scout out the rest ...and were greeted by a few other women chained to Rocks , unclothed , With five sacred fires burning behind them 🔥 They turned around and went home for the day.  We need to continue to show up. calling folks from all over from all walks of life🌲 For the troops will be back , But there is power in the numbers. I was told this weekend that 80 to 90% of the people are not for the destruction of old growth♥️ let’s show our support .
The sweetness we walk upon Wow! Bless this beautiful planet we live upon!
Imagine , you are wandering about and you look down and see these incredible juicy sweet luscious strawberries! That’s what it’s like living on planet Earth. Imagine you lived on Mars, and only had Fire! Earth is made up of so much diverse life , we can grow so much....or just fo for a wander to the woods...and forage some edible delights. Mmmmmm. Love the home you walk upon how to choose your horseI got to return to Camp Hope last week. A place where i loved going as a child. it was my mother's heavenly retreat and quite like a little haven with many opportunities for Wilderness therapy. my favorite was spending time with the horses, as it always seemed to both ground me and feed the wild within. giving me a sense of tame and allowing thd horse to remember her wild and free self as we exchanged our energy. so i signed up for a trail ride! There were four other children waiting to choose their horse. they were speaking about the most beautiful ones or the most slowest ones that they would want to ride. There was a row of about twelve very healthy horses. how would I choose? so I asked, can I have the fastest horse? ( i was used to riding in central n south america and liked the freedom of galloping down there and less rules) the woman brought me to a horse who looked away from me when i said hi, i guess she didnt harmonize with the frequency of my voice .but we just didnt connect. so I laughed n asked, who is the second fastest horse? she pointed to two horses both who were looking at me with open eyes and hearts. I stopped at the one nearest to me and gazed into her eyes. then I put my head close to hers and she lowered her head and pressed into mine. we connected in through that point between an above the eyes on the forehead . i could almost feel the bridge of connection growing as if we were growing a uni horn. I said ,this is the horse :-) we had such a beautiful ride together. she was so calm and so receptive and it was of we were one. horses are amongst the most telepathic and psychic animals, along with dolphins.they r sensitive intuitive beings. Their hearts are five times larger than humans hearts and so simply being within this electric magnetic field brings our hearts to a place of wider opening. o for more info on medicine horses and equinine therapy check out 13 moons in saanich.
for more info: http://www.thirteenmoonsfarm.com/how-the-medicine-horses-work.html i hope to offer some youth programs there in 2020 .seeing the vision. to be continued....this was one of the best days of my life.its gonna take me a bit to write it all up !
My father was Danny Joe Turner.
He was a fire cracker. I can be a lot like him . And I am okay with that now I am proud to be his daughter. for he gave me that Scottish fire and strength and Irish charisma . Usually I would post and celebrate his life on April 20th, 4/20, when we had his funeral service after his ashes were flown back from Thailand. But tonight as I lay in the tub, I had memories of the eve of March 25th , 2008. 9 years ago today. I was on a layover in Calgary, and had just discovered the joys of how to download music. So i started download various covers of amazing grace from bagpipes to Janis Joplin then suddenly I got in my mind that I needed to go for a swim. It was my 7th year as a flight attendant , and I would rarely rarely enter the pools, even the most beautiful ones throughout the resorts in the Caribbean we would lay over in. I just didn't like the water. or getting wet. But on this eve, I felt such a deep deep need to swim, to move my arms, to pull thru the waters. So I went down to the indoor pool, and swam like I never had before . I felt like I was swimming along side my dad. I felt like I was with him in Thailand. That night , or early morning, he died . The story still remains a mystery to my family. Alll I had was the feeling, of him struggling to stay a float. and the memory of the dream .one week before It was an awaking for me, the night he came to say good bye to me in my dream . (One day I'll write more about the vision i saw so very clearly .....) They said it was pneumonia that took his life....drowning in his own waters...for my dad this would have been perhaps less painful. he loved the waters. he loved swimming. he was a strong swimmer, and at peace with the waters. there were underlying causes im sure was causing him pain for so many years ,but dad didn't do doctors.....and this was his 9th life. fire cracker. and adventurer he was . I cant imagine how it would have been to take his last breaths alone. I hope he knew I was with him. I hope his Spirit felt me there. I know he wasn't scarred. I know he was brave and ready to go . After all, my dad would always say, "Im gonna go to Thailand" everytime my mama would say "Im gonna go to Heaven " He did it his way....... I should have known that look in his eyes, the last time i seen him before he left to Thailand, that that would be our final goodbye.... and that he really was going this time..... there is so much to this story that I will one day put into more words, but for now I just want to honour his last breaths he took on this eve, before he gave way and surrendered to those waters. This year, I wish to learn to swim. like i mean really swim, with my head under water. My mothers family is afraid of waters. Her grandmother came over on the Titanic and lost her parents to the icy cold waters . This life long trauma lived with her and was passed on thru the wombs of her daughters daughters .. But My father was a river swimmer and a diver , He was strong. and that strength lives on in me. I am the miracle that was birthed from my father and mothers union ....to move forward fearlessly into the world, and let the wounds of their ancestors be healed.. May it be so . Miss ya dad Thanks for teaching me about Rock and Roll and about having good dance moves and to never burn bridges. thanks for all your wild stories you were a great bridge builder and I love you. May 21, 1949 ~ March 26th, 2008 Danny Joe Turner first day back in the spring forrest dwellers program ! Happy to see new faces and rejoin with the old ones and be back on this special land nature table ! With lots of interpretive stuff and traditional crafting another fellow rock enthusiast ! Sasha showed us this geode he discovered while cracking open this rock from the Okanagan . I shared mine from the shores of eastern Scotland . An old pyrite , that looks like something from the bronze /Iron age and may have been used in fire making animal forms ! Learning to walk like a fox , and being invisible camflogued n silent light walkers of the woods . mmmmmmm my favourite arbutus grooove singing 🎼🎼🎼🎼humble yourself ....ya gotta get down low ...humble yourself ....before the rock , ya gotta know what he knows , and we shall lift each other up ... higher n higher ....🎼🎼🎼 making our agreements - to respect each other , the land , and ourselves . And to bring our best selves forward ! lunch break ! Found a new sweet sit spot forrest tea! . ummmmmm yummmm. Arbutus bark , fur and cedar tips, and licorice fern root. Delish! ending the day in circle drawing our new Nature Names ! I guess I'm bobcat for the season ❤ sitting amongst foxglove, arbutus , great horned owl , blue camas , moonsnail and even a yellow jacket somewhere in there ! Very greatful to be apart of this program for my second year. It's as nourishing for me as it is for the children 😇
Happy new moon ! It's nearly December and a new moon in Sagittarius . It's time to take the plunge and dive forward and into your truth ! We now have the power to turn our dreams into reality. for me that truth as a Virgo is a lot about health and sharing a passion for healing. Today I feel inspired to practice my favorite mer medicines . That involves ocean dips , creating some seaweed facial masks , and walking barefeet as if I just received them new ~ As tho i am feeling the earth beneath my feet for the first time! how magical that feeling is ! the health benefits from hot and cold water therapy increases the white blood cell count by 3 times! this gives you incredible immunity for the winter months, to keep away colds and flues. the eucalyptus steam caves ! a fourth invigorating water plunge together....yes, the ocean is cold. that is part of the medicine ! to our favorite little beach cove we've called ~ whale tail beach...after its unique shape. its a special midden beach, where the broken shells are evidence that this was a favorite spot to the first peoples of the islands as well. very excited to begin working more with these women. bringing sisters together in unity and expanding into spiritual empowerment, by celebrating the unique gifts of one another. water air earth & fire. giving thanks to the elements that refresh us and give life nourishment and inspiration. bye miss Geneva Jacobs ! thank you so much for having us ! stay tuned for an offering from these 4 women , coming soon to a forest retreat location hopefully near you ! Happy New Moon in sagittarius ! May the scorpio times be washed away and may the fire of inspiration bring in the new day !
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